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How workers’ comp lawyers can help construction employees
July 17, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Image of a group of construction works who used an Orange Country worker's comp lawyer to get their benefits.

With hard hats, high-vis vests, and steel-toed boots, it's no surprise that construction is notorious for being a dangerous industry, and for a good reason.

On any given day, a construction worker could face all kinds of risks, from falls and machinery accidents to exposure to harmful substances. Despite these hazards, workers should remember they're not alone if they get hurt.

Legal protections cover medical costs and lost wages for those individuals injured on the job. This blog provides a comprehensive overview of how to initiate a case with an experienced Orange County workers' comp lawyer who will walk you through every step of the process.

Understanding workers' compensation

Workers' compensation is a system that benefits employees who suffer job-related injuries or illnesses. It covers:

  • Medical costs
  • Compensation for lost wages
  • Disability benefits

With such protection, injured workers don't have to deal with the financial impact of their injuries, allowing them to focus on recovery.

However, navigating the intricacies of a workers’ compensation claim can be challenging, which is why even if an injury seems mild, it's important to seek legal representation as soon as it happens.

We leverage our industry knowledge at Mishra X Trial Lawyers to ensure clients get the maximum recovery they're entitled to. We'll aggressively confront employers and insurance companies to get you the compensation you deserve, whether it’s dealing with denials, delays, or disputes.

Starting a workers’ compensation case

A successful workers’ compensation claim begins by reporting the injury.

Notify your employer about the incident immediately and in writing. Following this, you should seek medical treatment promptly and keep detailed records of all your medical visits.

Many individuals worry about being a team player and don't want to leave their coworkers in the lurch. However, being prompt in notifying your employer and going to the doctor sets you up for a successful claim.

After these initial steps, the legal intricacies of filing a workers’ compensation claim unfold. With Mishra X Trial Lawyers on your side, you can confidently navigate this process. Our lawyers guide clients through the claim filing, ensuring all paperwork is complete and submitted on time.

Navigating claim denials and appeals

It's not uncommon for initial workers' compensation claims to be denied. Employers or their insurance providers often contest the claims' validity or the injuries' extent.

If your claim is denied, you can appeal the decision.

Here at Mishra X Trial Lawyers, we bring two decades of experience to fighting denials. Putting our trial skills to work, we will aggressively contest the denial, presenting strong evidence to support your claim.

As your legal team, we will also handle all the complex paperwork associated with the appeal, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

Securing the right benefits for your needs

A successful workers’ compensation case doesn’t just cover immediate medical costs—it also considers the long-term impact of your injury.

Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for benefits including:

  • Medical
  • Permanent disability
  • Temporary disability
  • Supplemental job displacement
  • Death

At Mishra X Trial Lawyers, we will pursue every benefit to its fullest. Our comprehensive representation considers all aspects of your case, ensuring no stone is left unturned in your quest for justice.

Schedule a consultation to work with our Orange County workers comp lawyers.

Working with Mishra X Trial Lawyers means entrusting your case to a team of seasoned professionals. Our team goes to extraordinary lengths to ensure our client's rights are protected and they receive the compensation they deserve.

If you need help navigating a workers' compensation case, don't hesitate to reach out and schedule a free consultation. Remember, you don't pay a dime for our legal consulting until we win your case. Let us help you fight for your rights and secure the compensation you're entitled to.